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‘Delaying the inevitable’ in Greece, cake notwithstanding

The best, saddest little taverna in Athens is on Astiggos Street, on the far side of the Monastiraki Flea Market. It is called Kallipateira and it is owned by a married couple, Yiannis and Maria, who run front of house

Deportation would be a blessing for Athens’ debt-hit immigrants

Ibrahim Sall has three euros to his name. The Mauritanian street vendor, selling knock-off handbags on the streets of Athens’ Plaka tourist district, actually laughs as he reaches into his pocket to show me the coins. “Three euros!” he says. “Three

Athens not quite the centre of the world, but it did suck us in

I am not sure I would agree with Business Insider’s Joe Weisenthal that Athens was the centre of the world on Sunday night. Or, to be more specific, that the international media centre in room 16 of Athens’ Zappeion Conference and

‘Criminality, drugs, poverty’: new government won’t solve Greek crisis

A is for Athens and A is for anarchy and thus Athens is covered with anarchist As. They are everywhere, scrawled always in black, on newspaper kiosks and across ATM screens, on abandoned shop fronts (of which there are hundreds)